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Learn More About Agua Viva

Ingrid, who has taken on the name “Agua Viva”, was born a natural healer and mental medium in the small Caribbean island of Puerto Rico. Descendant of the native Taino tribe, Spaniard Settlers and Enslaved Africans, her healer roots run deep.

As a young child she very much enjoyed the company of elder women, her matriarchs, taking in all their teachings and wisdom. Her botanica products now carry those names in their honor.

At a very young age she’d pick and collect wild flowers, gifting them to those she believed were in need of them and their energy. She loved tea made from freshly picked herbs and the healing effects they possessed. Cooking became her passion. Those spices and flavors just made everything better. And every time she walked by a Botanica store, she wanted so much to go inside, but was forbidden. Her heart would beat so fast, the aroma of the herbs and oils were so inviting!

She was also a defender of the weak and those that could not defend themselves. Was curious about all things spiritual and challenged her church elders by asking many questions. Because of this, very early on she was marked as a rebellious child, even quick tempered. Made to feel like her curiosity and opinions were disrespectful. Her interests and intrigues, evil in nature. She was to obey, stay quiet, be meek and teachable. But her efforts to become their version of a “Child of God” always fell short. They singled her out. She believed herself to be evil, just like they implied, undeserving of grace. Wanting to be “good”, she begged God to take away her natural gifts many times, to no avail. She was judged and casted out. She became afraid to speak her truth. She shied away from her natural gifts.

But inside, that fervent desire to learn, defend and help others kept brewing…
One of her children became a Reiki practitioner. She observed her child blossom into a confident teacher and began to feel that maybe she too could heal herself and others. But she wasn’t ready yet.

More time passed, life continued on. More tragedies, loss, injustice and that feeling of being evil, undeserving, kept her small and afraid. Until one day, she woke up from the stupor. She finally understood that she had gained nothing from dimming her light. That broken spirit took ownership of every decision, every journey, and began to heal herself. She found her voice, owned her gifts and began reversing the doctrine that enslaved her, that made her feel rebellious and evil for so long. She speaks to God directly and has never been more frank, nor felt more free. It took effort and real work but today she lives an authentic life. She’s finally living the life that feels Right in her Heart. Using her gifts to spread love and peace. And yes, sometimes she delivers justice.

Medusa, the Greek Mythology figure, was a defender of women and a seeker of justice. She was abused, ostracized, and turned into a monster creature because of her gifts and beauty by those that should have defended her. She took her life back and justice into her own hands. Medusa translated to Portuguese is Agua Viva, and the name of our Botanica.

Some of Agua Viva’s certifications are;

Usui Reiki Grand Master
Karuna Ki Reiki Master Teacher
Ordained Minister
Conjure Practitioner
Life Coach – Widow Support
Remote Viewing Student
Natural Mental Medium

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